Five ground-breaking British Med-Tech companies backed by Coutts

Improved cancer treatment, greater chance of pregnancy and faster heart scans are just three benefits brought to healthcare by UK companies attracting investment from Coutts clients.
One business we support claims its technology could potentially save the NHS £200 million a year.
Our clients have invested in med-tech businesses through the Coutts Investment Club, which introduces financially sophisticated, high net worth clients looking for opportunities to invest in exciting new private companies.
To celebrate the 70th anniversary of one of healthcare’s greatest innovations – the National Health Service – here are five companies following in that institution’s footsteps, into which our clients have invested millions since 2015.

Creavo has developed a heart scanner that could save the NHS £200 million a year, according to the York Health Economic Consortium.
The portable scanner is designed to relieve the pressure on A&E departments by establishing if someone has a serious heart problem soon after admission. It helps doctors rule out a life-threatening condition early – without the need for invasive, time-consuming and costly monitoring.

This medical device company has created ground-breaking imaging technology to help cancer surgeons visibly identify and remove all cancerous tissue during an operation, while sparing nearby healthy tissue. This can reduce the need for additional surgery.

DNA tests in 20 minutes – that’s the benefit this Newcastle-based business brings to healthcare. The company has developed a handheld, low-cost and easy to use device called Q-POC. This powerful tool can be used for diagnosing, managing and monitoring emerging infections and drug resistance.
“Such changes can be scary when they concern something as important as our health. But like most innovation, what is new today will almost certainly be commonplace tomorrow.”

Every year 12 million women start trying to have a baby, according to the CIA World Factbook. Fertility Focus aims to help those still struggling after six months. Their main product is OvuSense, an internal temperature sensor that significantly increases the chance of pregnancy by predicting ovulation 24 hours in advance.

This company has developed breakthrough technology to help prevent deep vein thrombosis, help heal wounds and speed up recovery after surgery. It can be particularly useful for elite athletes.
The device straps behind the knee, stimulating blood flow throughout the lower part of the body. This aids the recovery of those unable to boost blood circulation by walking.
These companies are part of a new age of innovative enterprises using technology to transform how healthcare is delivered. They are a great example of how the UK has become an exciting place for the development of new, innovative technology – not just in healthcare but across a number of sectors.
Investment Strategist Lilian Chovin says other areas of disruption within healthcare where we are likely to see growth include robotics and online consultations with doctors, or ‘telehealth’ as it is known.
He says, “Robots will improve the speed of procedures, while speaking to a doctor via an app should lead to patients being seen faster and reduced infrastructure costs for the industry – money that can be put to good use elsewhere for patients.
“Such changes can be scary when they concern something as important as our health. But like most innovation, what is new today will almost certainly be commonplace tomorrow.”
The healthcare sector as a whole remains one of our favourite themes from an investment perspective.
Our exposure focuses on medical technology, health insurers and biotechnology, while our more general equity positioning means we have exposure to large pharmaceutical firms and US-listed companies. In addition, we are directly invested in three healthcare firms which sit within our global 30 basket of holdings.